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About Larrym

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Myrtle Point, Oregon

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. This saddle is now for sale. Ive done some work on it since the pics. All oridginal leather strings,conchos. It may have had the fleese redone but I dont think so.
  2. Well Geeze are all Oregonians trying to get laid off and spend thier time playing? I sure am. From Roseburg, spent the last 10 on the east side and now I'm back on the coast. Greatings.
  3. Check out the numbers that I edited on the first post. Might mean something to you. Well I guess that after looking it up its a 545-H4. I started to rebuild the table for it a while back and so I will finish that up and we will see if there is a good home for it. I just like fixing things and Im into woodwork right now so I'm not looking for a lot out of it.
  4. I'll get some but you might want to figure out what it is first besides 100Lbs of cool machine.
  5. I've got a Pfaff sewing machine that is in realy good shape that I'll never use. The Coasties used to make thier crew sew thier own leather and canvas harneses for lifeboat and surf rescue, it's a pretty tough machine. If someone has a use for it I'll post some pictures. I dont know how to identify it realy but its got......545-H4-6/01-CPLMN on a plate on it and engraved on the lower is 734847. got any ideas?
  6. This saddle belonged to my great aunt and then she gave it to my Mom at some point. I think I was the third to learn on it. Great saddle. I just drug it out to see if I could pay some attention to it. Pretty sure it is from before my time (1956) and it sure has been a friend to a lot of kids. Enjoy.
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