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Oz Hunter

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Posts posted by Oz Hunter

  1. I am looking to purchase a Singer 132K6 in good working order. Unfortunately they are as scarce as hen's teeth up here in Townsville. If anyone has one available and is willing to put in the effort to assist in getting it freighted to my location (for adequate compensation of course!) I am extremely keen to hear from you. Cheers, Mark.

  2. I make protective breastplates and collars for hunting dogs, using a combination of seatbelt (up to 4 layers), rubber-backed canvas firehose and 3-4mm thick leather. Straps are usually PVC coated nylon. The overall thinkness of material being sewn is no more than 1/2 an inch (12.5cm). I have the opportunity to purchase a Consew 206RB-2 for a great price. Is this machine suitable for my intended works or should I look at something else? I have a budget of about $1700 to drop on a machine however the less I spend means the more left over for other toys!

  3. G'day all, I'm fairly new to sewin, and have only just found this brilliant wealth of knowledge, so firstly a big thanks to all contributors! I have a question regarding the Consew 206RB that is mentioned regularly in this thread. I have started manufacturing protective collars for hunting dogs using an old Singer 15-91 (which is clearly not designed for that task). The materials I use range from four layers of seatbelt up to 3 layers of rubber-backed canvas firehose. On my seatbelt plates I often include a 3mm thick leather patch on the front for increased puncture resistance. I have been given the opportunity to purchase a 206RB-2 for $300 - my question for the experts here pretty much comes down to this - is this machine suitable for the thicknesses/densities I plan on sewing, giving consideration to the multiple different types of materials being sewn at once? Cheers for any advice. Mark.

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