Thanks so much for the advice guys! sorry for lack of details...
Been cutting about 12 oz leather (im assuming, its thicker that my 9oz)
I use a razor blade and cut halfway through and over it again like Cyberthrasher mentioned, thought i still get bad cuts on corners.
I just realized now how important a sander was to this hobby, do any of you know of a cheap alternative? Or of a particular sander that does the job well?
As for finishing edges, what do you guys typically do? I have been trimming any miscalculated overlap, and rubbing the edge down with a piece of canvas. Seems to do an okay job, but not quite the standard i would like to meet,
Sylvia, you mentioned that i should leave a millimeter or two around edges, i find that even cutting all the way over corners, i get a frayed appearance on leather.
Thanks so much again guys! I think i will post some of my work in the Critique section later on this evening to better exemplify what i am trying to explain.