Thanks for all of the helpful replies, guys! I was checking out leather strops online and a lot of them seem slightly pricey for what they are, but I suppose it's an investment if I don't really have the appropriate leather. I only have 5-6oz vegetable tanned leather; I only purchased one roll while I was visiting PA earlier this year as I knew I wouldn't need a huge amount for making basic collars. I've been teaching myself with this piece of leather, using the resources I've managed to unearth on the internet. It's a little slow-going and although I'd love to purchase thicker leather, I just find it a little bit too pricey at the moment - being a recent uni graduate and part-time employee means it doesn't really fit the current budget! At least not on the Tandy website. Anyway, I was initially looking for 6-7oz as recommended by the dog collar pattern I found on Tandy's Leather Library, but they were sold out at the shop in PA, so had to settle for the 5-6oz at the time. In any case, would this type of leather be adequate for making a strop? I saw a few videos and all of the leather looks rather dark/thick, so I'm doubtful.
This was the most suitable thing (I think) that I could find: +
Again, thank you for the help. Any further feedback would be fab!