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  1. First time post, long time reader. Thank you in advance. I have been saving for a machine for around a year. I went to pull the trigger on purchasing a new machine this morning, but figured that I would check craigslist first. To my surprise, there was a mint Cobra class 4 that was posted the day before. I called the guy, and arraigned to meet him later in the evening. Long story short, I drove an hour or so, and picked up a beautiful machine. Now to my question: I am looking to make holsters and knife sheaths for myself and friends. I need to purchase thread, so I can use my machine. What type of thread should I be looking for? I see bonded, waxed, polyester, and other types. I am not sure which type to buy. Any help in which direction I should go, would be greatly appreciated. I have used the search feature of the forums, and came up short.
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