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Posts posted by Trojan

  1. post-2402-1184131050_thumb.jpgpost-2402-1184131070_thumb.jpgI've finished the construction on the largest project I've tackled yet, a leather interpretation of a Greek body armour called a "linothorax". The historic versions were made of multiple layers of linen and soaked in glue.

    The body itself is saddle skirting treated to harden it, and the skirt is saddle skirting without the hardening treatment. Tooling motifs are a Gorgon and the Snake Mother.

    Just under 7 hours in the tooling part of the project. Probably 3 times that in the stitching.

    That is amazing!!!

    I`m researching these type of ancient armour, and as yet the layered linen method is what I was told was the definative method, however as yet absolutly no physical remains have ever been found. Sadly if they were, then this will be held to be the only method of manufacture for the entire Greek regions and islands. Basic common sense says otherwise.

    I believe the layered linen method came across from Egypt, was then augmented or modified by the Greeks. Some poeple state that they were always layered linen(24 to 16 layers depending who you listen to), some say only leather, and some say leather with a couple of linen layers each side. I believe that each region, city state, and islands probably did there own version, a they used the materials that were most available in there local area. After all these were farmers, potters, etc.. all trying to make a living with help from other family members. So spare time and money to construct this armour would have been limited. High ranking members of the community could have commissioned their armour, with all the extras of the time. Pottery illustrations do show a variety, and your leather linothorax could easily have been what the artist was drawing.

    Fantastic work, I want one.

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