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Posts posted by RaeNae

  1. Oh my gosh! Carson - It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for joining the challenge, you did a fantastic job!

    C - I love the sketch, it looks like you've gotten all the correct lines done for shading and cutting. I can't wait to see you transfer it to leather!

    As for everyone else, I'm sorry I've been sorta MIA. My personal life decided to kick me in the pants so I've been dealin' with that. I'll have my sketches done by the weekend. Thanks everyone!

    - Rae.

  2. May the fourth be with all of you today!

    As I promised here's a little info on what I am going to be doing for this project, you may do whatever you wish to create your final carving. I personally love the fact that leather can be molded, so I'll be trying to create a more 3D effect with my own personal project, though you do not have to do exactly as I do.

    Step One: Wetting the Leather

    I have two pieces of scrap I've been playing around with for the past hour or so, one was completely submerged in a bath of water for a minute (until all the air bubbles vanished) (#1) and one I have been applying a generous amount of water every so often(#2).

    The First piece of scrap was cut into, I made a simple round figure to play with.


    While the cuts I made were deep the wet leather easily made it so I could "cover up" certain lines and push the leather surrounding the shape I've made down so it was smooth. Thus allowing me to build the middle so it takes a more rounded (3D) form.


    After I smooth over the cut lines, I started using my modeling spoon on the fleshy side of my piece of scrap to continue building the form I wanted.


    Granted, this is all a learning process for me too. I'm just trying out new ideas that randomly pop into my head before I start on a rather large project and end up ruining it.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    And remember, you don't have to get fancy with the challenge! It's stress free!!

  3. Hi, lovelies!

    After joining the April Challenge, Cheryl asked me to step in for Q this month.

    Welcome to the May Challenge; Figure Carving!

    I’m going change things up a little and actually give you a choice between a few different reference photos to study and work from – A full body nude, or Anatomy (hand, foot, arm, etc.) The whole point of the challenge is to mold and manipulate the leather to fit within the contours of whatever design/ photo you’ve picked.

    For example; I would take a thin (2 oz or so) piece of leather, case, cut and mold before attaching the leather to another, more thicker piece. (Photos and more detailed example to come a bit later.)

    Here’s the catch; you’re only allowed certain tools to work with:

    1. Swivel Knife
    2. Beveler - Be it regular or carving/smooth.
    3. Modeling Spoon/Tool
    4. Dye (If wanted) & Glue



    [Photo 1]


    [Photo 2 - You may pick one of the six photos.]


    [Photo 3]


    [Photo 4]

    That's it for now, let me know of your thoughts and I'll be posting my own images tomorrow, as well as answer any questions!


  4. I just went to my first class and had a blast, a few of the other members who joined and I are going to get together, practice and join the local guild! I'm super excited and figured I could post a few pictures of what I did today;

    The first is of my entire piece of scrap leather. post-31361-089251800 1337462135_thumb.jp

    And the second is of my little floral design in the corner, along with some ribbon like designs. post-31361-066121400 1337462294_thumb.jp

  5. @Cheryl - I've signed up for my first class at Tandy this Saturday! I'm rather excited, semi- nervous about it though. lol Thanks!

    @Trey - Thanks! It's a pleasure to meet you as well! - I've already found some interesting posts about what I'd like to try my hand at (corsets/watch-bands) and found that I might need to buckle down a bit more if I want to accomplish something rather decent. Thanks!

  6. Hello, lovelies! I'm new to Leather Working, mostly playing around with scraps, making a few coasters. Most everything I know I've learned by myself through trial - error and a lot of hurt fingers, I'm currently looking for local classes to help me flourish with such a beautiful craft.

    I'm looking forward to sharing ideas and just generally meeting y'all!!


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