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About Drew2021

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    Need a wallet made from scratch as a wedding gift.

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  1. Thanks for the responses. I have replied by email to those who have offered to help. I am adding the pictures that I have of the wallet, although they aren't the best. Hopefully my 007 skills will allow me to snap a few more shortly.
  2. My brother is getting married in november. A few years ago he bought a leather wallet while he was in africa, and he fell in love with it. Nearly every pocket has been torn from its seams and it is barely useable, yet he refuses to buy another wallet because he loved this one so much. I have been searchig and searching for someone who is willing and able to recreate his wallet from some photographs ive taken. If anyone is interested in making some spare cash, or knows someone who can help me out it would be much appreciated. Im not sure if this is the right forum for posting this; if not, please direct me to an appropriate forum. Thanks! Drew
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