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    Leather, denim, guitars, woodworking, chocolate.

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    barely adequate at everything
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    The ol' Googler.

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  1. Thanks guys those all sound like good options. I'll check them out.
  2. Hey All- I'm new to this forum, and fairly new to leather craft. I have been using Wickett & Craig English Bridle for several months for briefcases and tote bags, and I really love the stuff. However, I have had a couple of customers ask if there is a way to treat the leather so that it is more waterproof, not susceptible to permanent stains from raindrops etc. I wasn't sure if there were any qualities inherent in the leather that act as a sort of weatherproofing. I emailed W & C about it and have yet to receive a response. I also wanted to make sure that if I do treat it, that it changes the color, feel and finish of the leather as little as possible. Any help would be appreciated. Also, check out some of my work here and here. Like I said I'm less than two years into this craft/trade so if you see something total goofy please let me know so I can get better! Thanks!
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