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About shagey71

  • Birthday 10/20/1991

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  • Location
    Austin, TX

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Saddle and Harness Repair
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  1. I like it, nice color. I have to ask though- why add the layer on the pant-side of the holster? It doesn't seem to aid in keeping the empty holster from collapsing based on where it begins and ends, but adds width to the holster you're trying to conceal. Aesthetically, though, it looks perfect there!
  2. Ike- thanks. You're right, the Kahr in the holster is the MK9 and the holster is for the P9, and I was waiting to get a hold of that gun to finish the muzzle area, as the MK9 is in fact much shorter. And I do live off-campus, hah! Rick- I generally do not have that problem, but on that holster the nature of the leather being bent at a total 90° angle made it impossible for me to push those wrinkles back down, I tried several times and that is as good as I could manage in that area. Is there a chemical that would help that you know of? I feel as though the upper layers of the leather are "delaminating" and once loose, they won't smooth back down. Sam
  3. These are two of my more recent pancake holsters. Trying to get the right width and get the body side of the holster flat, while the outer layer does the work and folds around the gun... I'm a college student working out of my room, and I have nothing more than a few hand held leather tools and the little dremel. That being said I'm trying my best and would love a few tips for getting the most out of a little.
  4. I like the shape for a "loose shell" carrier. I'm not a fan of the harsh square corners on the bottom of some, although if they are to carry an actual box of shells, I suppose that's necessitate by the utility of the piece. Anyhow, I found this thread browsing the forum for inspiration for my shell carrier. I may steal your shape, although I need to add a smaller congruent pouch to the front with a flap and partitions for choke tubes and wrench I feel. Let's see the other one if you have it made yet!
  5. Great advice, and I'll be stopping by tandy today to look for that piece. We'll go from there.
  6. The burnishing comment is absolutely true. As on now I am rubbing my edges down with the gum tragacanth, then rubbing it with an antler or a sharpie like I'm trying to start a fire. I have also used the smooth rounded part of the metal chuck on my dremel to heat up the gum and burnish. Honestly I want something better. I've seen these nylon looking routed out stems on folks' drill presses in pictures but I have no idea what they are called to even look into ordering one. What has worked best for y'all? As for the mag release on the one, it has the euro style release on the bottom of the grip frame, so no problems there
  7. As I said, I used to fix stuff more than build stuff but I have done about 30 holsters now, I'll throw up a couple for some critique. I'd like these to get better so try your best to offend me. I have thick skin.
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