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  • Location
    South Carolina
  • Interests
    18th Century leatherwork, military in particular.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    18th Century Cartridge Pouches/Boxes
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    Historic leatherworking
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  1. Sorry for the delay in responding, the holidays and all. I apologize if you took offense, that was not my intent. If you could tell me how to better offer a differing opinion than yours without offending you I'll be more than happy to rephrase it. Also, I have tried 3 times to post a photo and have no idea why it is not posting. So, my lack of image was also not meant to offend anyone here either. I will try one more time after this post. Thank you again to those that took the time to reply, there just isn't much out there on this niche historical leather item.
  2. I appreciate the input, but to be honest until I see verification of this, such as a provenanced image, this just adds to the unsubstantiated rumors that circulates about these. There are plenty of examples of post 1768 Warrant pouches/blocks and I suspect you may be confusing the two. By all means, however, if you can provide an image or solid lead I would GREATLY appreciate it. Cheers Sorry about that, I have no idea why. I used the link on this page to upload.
  3. Sorry for the technical SNAFU. 1750s British Cartridge Box Full.HEIC
  4. Hello All, I recently finished this reproduction of an 18th century British cartridge pouch, circa 1750s. There are supposedly two originals but noone seems to have an image of them. Period paintings and written accounts are all I had to go on. I ended up trimming the interior flap a bit more. 65842147393__43BD4BB7-3D03-4C21-8293-269329E32E8C.HEIC The strap is a heavy suede and is a placeholder until I can get my hands on some real Buff Leather. Thanks for looking!
  5. Whoops! Didn't see your reply Bill, thank you sir! Thanks!
  6. I like Sylvia's idea-or if you always wear pants that go into the top of the boots, you could sew two buttons to the pant's legs (inside and outside seam) and cut slits in the boots to accept the buttons. The holes & buttons would be hidden by the boot cuff. I do something similar to hold up my French and Indian War gaiters. Cheers!
  7. Hello Everyone, Just joined up and looking forward to learning and sharing. I've been an amateur leatherworker for almost 20 years, primarily making 18th century styled gear. I've made about fiveFrench and Indian War era British cartridge boxes or pouches and wanting to make more to sell. Cheers and looking forward to hanging out with you all!
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