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Apache Moccasins

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Everything posted by Apache Moccasins

  1. Can i just ask Sylvia ? .. im gettin the impression you're Native American ? ... which Tribal Nation ' are you ? Im adding a pic of a pair of High Tops i made for a friend. They are plains Hi Top Moccasins , except i beaded them in the Apache way. I started making Moccasins about 6-7 yrs ago. I learned how to make moccasins from a dvd i bought ' How To Make Moccasins ... and also learned Beading from a Dvd too. Hope you have a lovely day ' Sylvia .. and a fantastic ''' weekend.
  2. Oh right Lol '' Oh well , it might help someone in the future searchin the net haha Yes ! '' your quite right ' about some Native People not wanting to share their crafts with the world. I have tried a few different Apaches now ' to see if they can help me ? ... The guy at San Carlos Cultural Center said '' he was sorry ' but he could not teach none tribal members to make moccasins, he also said '' that i might make a pattern n publish it , and that there is a ' Rights / Patent Act '' on how they are made ... haha , Another said '' there is a great deal of Praying involved and he was concerned about having bad luck ! .. Basically '' NONE ' of the Apaches ive asked for help on this seem to want to help ' and im starting to think its some kind of ' BIG APACHE SECRET '''' ? How incredibly mean ? .... Well when ive figured them out ' maybe i ought to start making a few pairs for people ? hahaha I just cant believe how ' Mean ' that really is , and actually quite childish too. If we were to think that way , then maybe they should give back all their computers , tvs , dvd players .. all electrical stuff ' and they can go back to living in wickiups again. So there ... Whats good for the Goose ' is good for the Gander. Lol '''
  3. Click on this for the Navajo Moccasin Pattern Moccasin (kélchí)
  4. I tried to do the Link ' for the Navajo Moccasins sylvia .. but its just not working. click on Moccasin (kélchí)
  5. http://www.4directions.org/resources/1003348958-81EDF7F0.1/moccasin.html Link doesn't work, Apache.... please try again? Very sorry sylvia ' I'll try again. Im a newbie on ere so ' .. haha
  6. PS .. Never even heard of ' Necro-bumping ' here in UK ' .. wots it mean. Do you mean ' Sales Pitching ' ? .. Definately' not Sylvia Im just someone who has been interested in the Apache People ' since i was a child. And would dearly love to learn the correct way to make my own Apache Moccasins.
  7. Lol ''' No honestly Sylvia .. I just put the Pics of the Apache Mox ' so people could see how both styles look ! .. from the Point Toe Style .. to the Circular Toe Guard Style. Just to show the difference between the two and also to show that both style are a One Piece Upper .. Not a 2 Piece Upper as is suggested ' in Mr Whites Craft Manual Of North American Moccasins. Im just trying to help people ' who like myself ' would like to know .
  8. I dont know which Pattern your using , but Traditional Western Apache Moccasins , dont have a Tongue Piece .. the Top of the Foot ' and all the way up around the leg ' is one piece of leather .. not a two piece ' only the foot ' is separate . I have had some of these made by an Apache man in Arizona , the soles are hardsole white Latigo , which is soaked ' to make the sewing easier .. the soles are not pre-punched with an awl . Im wondering if your using that Moccasin Pattern Book by mr White .. showing how to make various different tribal styles. I got that book too ' and there isnt half enough information given. I found it completely useless to be honest. Apache Moccasins seem to be made starting by sewing up along the leg for the first step from top to bottom .. with a bit extra elkskin left attached to go across the top of the foot later. Theg leg is made thigh hi ' and folded down a few times to about the calves , with the leg seam on th inside of the leg. Im guessing here .. but i think ' that to get the shape / part for across the top of the foot , the extra elk left over for across the foot .. is flipped over flat on a table .. then the cutout ' Latigo sole is inserted into the heel area .. and then you draw around the shape of the foot ' possible adding a little at the side to alllow for the toes / area. Because the top of the arch of the foot ' is incorporated in the bottom of the leg where the foot joins .. so i dont think there is any need to worry about allowing for the top of the arch of the foot. Like i said im just guessing .. and i must try it myself first . I know the Apache guy said that all the measurements needed are got from the foot tracing . He also said that he gets sand from the river ' to put into the moccasin so that the sole ' dries in the correct shape , probly fills a bag with sand inside the moccasin , shapes it .. and is then left to dry in shape. there is 2 different styles of Western Apache Moccasins .. The Chiricahua , White Mtn , San Carlos with the Circular Toe Guard . And the other style Moccasin which hasnt got the toe guard ' but has a slight upturned point around the big toe ' area. Both are made with the One Piece ' Long Thigh High Leg. And mostly worn folded down to the calves these days. I also think Navajo and Apache Moccasins are made / constructed similar .. in regards to how the soles are sewn to the uppers. Im attaching , a link how to make the Navajo Moccasins .. as it gives drawings and directions how to make the foot and top of the foot pattern .. Basically '' you draw around ur foot on a piece of paper , then you again draw aaround this tracing about 1 inch , { but i dont think apache moccasin soles are that wide ' as they dont come up that high around the foot at the sides. } but then you use this new foot pattern , and draw around it again exactly the same .. to get the pattern for across the toes .. so it fits correctly there. I hope im making sense .. take a look at the link anyway , and scroll down to see the directions and the drawings , start by looking at the bottom sketch of the foot ' thats step one .. the sketches were done in wrong order , so start at the bottom one and follow the steps upwards I think Apache Moccasin Soles are sewn on similar ' to the Navajo http://www.4directions.org/resources/1003348958-81EDF7F0.1/moccasin.html Ive added some Pics I think you will find helpfull on how the soles are sewn to the upper. Also I was told by an Apache Man who makes them , that it is Latigo . He also said that he gets sand from the river so that they dry in the correct shape. So whether he puts a plastic bag filled with sand from the river into the wet damp sole of the moccasin , then shapes it into the correct shape n lets it to dry in the sun, i dont know. But i have used latigo ' and it dries into whatever shape you want when it dries. It is very difficult to get Latigo which is almost 1/4 '' inch thick. The craft stores cant get it anywhere .. and i have never tried buy Latigo as a hide . So dont know if that thicker '' than the pieces of Latigo they sell as moccasin soles I dont know. Hope the pics will help you to sew on the Soles anyway Also you will need to remember '' as in the pics .. The upper is sewn to the sole ' with the right side out . Each stitch is pushed through the Latigo sole and you pul '' the upper across the sole ' and keep it quite taught ' firm making sure you tuck in the edge of the upper as you go along. what i would do is make the stitch on the upper a small tiny stitch so it wont be felt on the inside. Then go straight back down again to coincide the upper stitch with the sole , push it through again ,, and so on. Basically as in the pics your just folding the sole over your finger / hand pushing the needle through and picking up the upper as you go along. Thats my idea anyway. have a practise on some scrap latigo and some buckskin and you will see how easy it is , and dont forget to soak ' the Latigo before you start sewing .. it makes the sewing go easier. Good Luck !
  9. Instructions for Drawing out the Pattern for Navajo Moccasins. scroll down , it gives instructions and also shows sketches in stages .. It seems ' that you draw around your foot .. on this foot drawing you make it about 1 '' inch wider .. so it comes up around the sides of the foot .. I think ' those Moccasins in your Pix ' the Kaibab Moccasins are made around a ' Last ' a shoe makes carved / molded hard shape of a persons foot ' and then left to dry .. if you look at their website ' look at the shape of the soles , they are all the same shape n too perfect. But they are still very nice. It also says on there , not to wear them in the wet , not to get them wet ... and this is probly the reason why. Remember these moccasins are worn in the southwest of north america , hot and desert country , where it doesnt rain much . http://www.4directions.org/resources/1003348958-81EDF7F0.1/moccasin.html
  10. I think Apache Moccasin Soles are sewn on similar ' to the Navjo , Ive added some Pics I think you will find helpfull on how the soles are sewn to the upper. Also I was told by an Apache Man who makes them , that it is Latigo . He also said that he gets sand from the river so that they dry in the correct shape. So whether he puts a plastic bag filled with sand from the river into the wet damp sole of the moccasin , then shapes it into the correct shape n lets it to dry in the sun, i dont know. But i have used latigo ' and it dries into whatever shape you want when it dries. It is very difficult to get Latigo which is almost 1/4 '' inch thick. The craft stores cant get it anywhere .. and i have never tried buy Latigo as a hide . So dont know if that thicker '' than the pieces of Latigo they sell as moccasin soles I dont know. Hope the pics will help you to sew on the Navajo Soles anyway Also you will need to remember '' as in the pics .. The upper is sewn to the sole ' with the right side out . Each stitch is pushed through the Latigo sole and you pul '' the upper across the sole ' and keep it quite taught ' firm making sure you tuck in the edge of the upper as you go along. what i would do is make the stitch on the upper a small tiny stitch so it wont be felt on the inside. Then go straight back down again to coincide the upper stitch with the sole , push it through again ,, and so on. Basically as in the pics your just folding the sole over your finger / hand pushing the needle through and picking up the upper as you go along. Thats my idea anyway. have a practise on some scrap latigo and some buckskin and you will see how easy it is , and dont forget to soak ' the Latigo before you start sewing .. it makes the sewing go easier. Good Luck !
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