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Everything posted by Sig32

  1. I'm out of town until Tuesday, so I won't be able to upload a pic until then. I am confused about process of molding leather, though. From what I have read when molding a holster people state that if you make a mistake you can always re-wet the leather after it has dried and correct it, re bone it. Is there a point in the process of making a holster that you get to that the tooling becomes permanent and can not be re-worked? Perhaps there is a procedure/treatment that is done that will not allow the leather to be re-worked? Again, being a total noob, my leather knowledege is only what I gathered from reading posts and websites. I do find this craft interesting and having done fine carpentry and metal lathe projects, I was/am looking forward to trying it. However if it means I will completely ruin the holster I will probably just try to sell it, hopefully not though.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Wow, now I am wondering if this was a good purchase. The holster is custom, hand made by a small, well known company (high quaility). It was either made for an FNP 45 or an MP 45. It was a gift given to a family member which was returned to the purchaser because they never used it (that's why the exact model is unknown). I have a Glock 22 which has similar dimensions and will probably stay put in the holster but I wanted to get a better fit/look by remolding it (so I thought). I don't know if the holster being hand made is better or worse for my original plan. With this info, what are your thoughts about what I am trying to do?
  3. First off hello to all, this is a great site. I have a few questions that I would like to run by the forum to hopefully get some advice on. I recently purchased a never used custom holster that is molded for a different, albeit similar, gun than what I will be using it for (got a great deal). I started reading up on boning and casing leather and I feel comfortable enough to give it a try, but I would like to clarify a few things. The holster is dyed and has white stitches which, from what I have read means that it was molded and dyed prior to stitching. My questions/concerns are as follows: 1. Will casing and boning a finished holster damage/alter the finish? What if it's lined, will it effect the lining? 2. Do I need to do anything to the finish once it's remolded to the new gun? 3. I have read conflicting directions regarding whether to leave the gun in the holster after molding until completely dry. Some say not to because the leather will dry stretched, others say to do so or the leather will shrink. Which is it? I am completely new to this, but am eager and excited to learn and try it. Your experience and guidance with this is greatly appreciated.
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