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Everything posted by will9921

  1. Hi my name is Will and I am a current student studying 3D Design at University College Falmouth in England. As part of my third year course I am required to write a dissertation (extended essay/ conversation) on a topic of my own choice that relates to the course. For this I am looking into the recent emergence of Digital Design Technologies and how they have effected different craft processes. The question I am asking is as follows: "Why do you feel that the Leathercraft industry in particular has yet to be some heavily penetrated by Digital technologies such as Laser Cutting and Rapid Prototyping. Why do you feel that people still prefer to use traditional and more time consuming methods rather than these new easy to learn and operate methods that would allow them to rapidly increase their work rate. For example do you feel that people prefer these methods as they provide a greater sense of ownership over the final creation, or do you find that these technologies have yet to provide a big enough selling point towards the leather industry compared to say the pottery industry whom can now produce pieces by using solely a rapid prototyping machine that can now utilise a myriad of materials. Or do you feel that there is simply no incentive to using machines in the process of making leathergoods as it only devalues the end object? Thanks in advance for any responses. William Smithson
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