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Posts posted by moosedoom

  1. They have a brand called Angelus leather paint. Anyone heard of it or know anything about it?

    Just personal experience but the Fiebings White Dye is anything but, it is more like milk and will not dye anything that I've tried white. I wanted to use it for painting eagle heads but it was not even close to white, pretty much transparent, so now I paint them with cova dyes, for a belt, I think I would check with Springfield Leather or one of the other suppliers, might be surprised. The chrome tan glued to a piece of Veg Tan seems like the way to go and gives you a belt with a smooth liner to boot.


  2. I am having trouble finding a paint to use on a leather belt I am making.

    I have done multipe tests.

    Tried Liquitex spray paint, which wrinkles if its bent. So that does not adhere to movement.

    Regular spray paint(kryolen), which i figured it would not work but I tried anyways. Cracks in multiple places.

    Also screenprinting ink. It doesn't go on very smoothly but it seems to adhere well.

    I have not tried ecoflo paints yet but I here that it doesn't go on smoothly, and also rubs off. I will be trying this method soon and make sure I seal it correctly.

    Anyone have any ideas? I have the belt cut, just need to figure this out.

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  3. Would you thin out the eco flo with water or dye thinner?

    I've experimented with the white acrylic eco-flo product for belts, I have several people who want white leather belts. I use veg tanned leather. I find that if you thin it out then you get a better coating, you just have to go over it several times, letting it dry in between coats.

    Hope that helps

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