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Everything posted by feedbag

  1. Thanks for the reply, I have replaced what I would call for the lack of better words, a rawhide inskirt style rigging, ( no metal) I have gone ahead and completed the job, I did treat my selection of placement on the hide as I would if it was skirt leather, ( along the spine) to play it safe, I have never done this particular repair before and this was the first place I looked for guidance , this site is my life line, I truly don't think there is a better source or a more generous group of people,sorry but I'm not sure how to post pictures on this site, but to clarify,this is a design that is similar to the late saddle maker dave jones from Monticello Florida mentioned in Al stohllmans saddle making book but without any metal reinforcement if I can figure out how to post some pictures I will, again thanks for the interest,I truly feel like this a long distance family, that I am totally consumed with
  2. Customer wants rawhide replaced, can someone tell me if they ever done this, and if so, how much should I charge?, also should I treat the rawhide as regular leather and cut from the spine area or does it even matter with rawhide? This is a first for me! Thanks in advance for your input
  3. In my last life I was a shoe maker for challenged feet, I would sit the client in a chair with the knee flexed at 90 degrees and a wedge type device under the foot to simulate a slight heel ht. I would also flex the toe up slightly to create a rock for break-over of the foot during push off. As far as casting materials go (there are many) you can use nylons with a flexible tube over the instep then use four inch plaster wrap message well,form the casting material to the foot , the tube on the instep and slight flexion at the toes then bend the knee to 90% and place the foot on the wedge (platform) wait till hard then cut along the tube to clamshell enough to get the foot out.
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