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355 tonner

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  1. thanks spooky ill check em out... cheers tonner
  2. Hi Mate and thanks for the heads up.. the ebay link didnt work and ive seen the dimenion link before..and went to mac lace today for the second time ive spent over 600+ in that store now...as a business owner my self i love these guys good stock fair prices and love what they do which shows...id rate them to anybody... thanks again tonner355
  3. hey Doc, yeah mate im on the gold coast living the dream...hahhaha ill post up a pick of a tabacco pouch ive done...very bad but im sure ill improve 200% next item....
  4. hey gundoctor, thanks for the big welcome im sure il bump into them on the boards..
  5. Well, decided to take the plunge into leather work for the first time...bought some tools of fleabay and ive been playing around a little and watching you tube vids...hoping to find some great people on here and maybe even and aussie or too around much home town for advice on where to shop... cheers and see ya round 355 tonner
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