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Everything posted by Alaskan

  1. Thank you for the response. No, I am not stitching the belt to a lining, as I am using 9-10oz hide. I planned on dyeing the face and then using leather balm/atom wax on top. This is what I uderstand: 1) Sand and Edge 2) Dye face 3) Burnish and dye edge 4) leather balm/atom wax face 5) polish edge 6) impress women with my new belt
  2. I am about to make my first project. A belt from vegtan, that will be dyed light brown. i intend to dye the edge a dark brown. I am not sure about the order of operations? I was going to follow Bob Park's post for the edging: http://leatherworker.net/edging.htm However, if I am going to dye the belt face, should I do that before or after the edging? I figured getting even the smallest amount of parafin on the face of the belt will ruin the dye job. Thoughts? Thanks.
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