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  1. Nice looking strap tex!!
  2. And this is the demise of the true artisans that take the time to "ACTUALLY" practice the craft and are not in it just for the money!! My grandfather (whom taught me the trade) would be rolling in his grave for the lack of workmanship and letting a computer with a picture from the internet do all of the work. This is why "CUSTOM" pieces of hand tooled leather are expected to fetch prices of those that are pumped out on an assembly line with no creative mark. I will always "HAND TOOL" all of my leather and not take the easy route!! I had a lot of respect for you as a leatherworker until you let everyone know you used a laser to do the hard work!! SAD SAD SAD!! I'm sorry if I have offended anyone that wants to take the easy way out but there it is. Sorry to be so honest!!
  3. The sling looks good!!
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