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    Southern Illinois, USA

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  1. Thanks guys for your help. I have tried all of your suggestions and have not gotten it to work. It is now breaking the top thread. I am going to check the timing the next time I get a chance to mess with it. I really appreciate that you all took the time to help a newbie. I had gotten some misinformation in my researching, I thought that 69 thread was the biggest thread it would handle. Natalie P.S. Thanks Trox but I found the manual on Adler's website.
  2. I'm currently using 332 LG (120/19) which measured 2 1/8" with # 69 thread in the top and bobbin. Thanks, Natalie
  3. I have acquired an Adler 30-70 and am trying to get it working. I am having problems getting the upper thread to catch the bobbin thread. Does anyone have suggestions? Thank you, Natalie
  4. naomjp05

    Adler 30-70

    I have an adler 30-70 and am having problems getting the top thread to pick up the bottom thread. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
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