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  • Location
    Flathead County, Montana
  • Interests
    Horses, hunting and my family!

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    Crafts for myself and my family
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  1. Looking forward to it!!
  2. 'Morning Gents, I'm brand-spankin' new here and am looking for some information if y'all don't mind! I'm slowly trying to make the effort to get into ranch roping and a more traditional way of working with cattle. For a while now I've been working with a 65-foot poly rope but have for years wanted to have my own rawhide reata. I saw a video of Doug Groves twisting one together on YouTube and thought I might be able to do it myself. This'll be the first time I've ever worked with rawhide. I don't want to get any deeper into braiding or much of anything else aside from making a reata or two. I'm going to pick up a hide to flesh and clean up within the next day or so, but am looking for any information that you more experienced people might be able to offer me! Anything can help. I'm hoping to have a finished reata of about 65-feet in length, but will be happy with whatever I end up with! Thanks a bunch guys! I look forward to any constructive criticism or advice. Keep it gentle though for now. I'm still new to this idea and to the forum!
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