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About jcore

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  1. thank you very much chief. You seem to have some experience with this and that's exactly what I am lacking. I will try some kangaroo lace sometime in the future, but I have a feeling that cafe lace is good quality for the money. Know of any good places to get it? Tandy has it on closeout at $48 for 25 yards, which is like four times the price of the cafe lace I am using. I'll definitely pick up some of the tandy pro lace to try. I must have tried the texas lace as it was complete garbage. not even good for practicing with if you ask me. thanks again. I hate to have my hand held, but sometimes it's nice to cut through the marketing bs and get a real answer from someone with experience.
  2. I've used brick 4 on an old crocodile leather wallet from the 1930s. it darkened the leather a lot. ruined it what did I do wrong?
  3. I am fairly new to leather working and I've been mainly using cafe lace like http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/5006-01.aspx I am wondering if this is the best lace to use. I tried using some cheap stuff, but it looked terrible and had inconsistent strength and flexibility throughout. I am looking for better quality, or similar quality at a cheaper price. Any info is much appropriated. I dont want to buy every different kind to find out which I like. Is this complete crap? http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/5902-351.aspx I am very sorry if this has already been covered. there is so much information on here, I am not sure where to find info on laces.
  4. please add me to the adult section.
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