Well, this is my first project and as you can see, the stitch groover got away from me, lol. And then there's the stitching itself. Haha... Well I needed to start somewhere, I knew it was going to be a master piece but good lord, this is much harder the Nigel Armitage makes it look.
Next I tried another sheath, this time a dangler for my girlfriend with an adjustable belt loop. Women and their darn "variable rise" jeans.. I was happier with this project but the stitching still looked off and I was struggling with either smooth transition lines or square edges. I'm finding that I'm a bit "challenged" at using a ruler and square.
Third project was yet another sheath. Getting better at the whole measurement thing and the stitching, from what I can tell, seems to be making a little progress.
Fourth project was a small "coin pouch" for all the loose crap that's generally in my pockets everyday. I was pretty happy with this one, the stitching looked more consist in places and I made straight and square measurements, however I vastly underestimated that amount of crap I was trying to stuff into this poor little pouch and needed to punch a second hole in the flap to get it to close. LOL, live and learn... Note to self: "punch hole after filling for accurate placement"
Then I got tired and looking at my project and being happy with the design and overall product but feeling that my stitching "consistency" was something that needed some attention. So I came to the forum and saw that Nigel had a "reference" video on how to knock out the saddle stitch. Well after watch that video 3-200 times and line stitching on about 10 pieces of scrap that I had around.
I finally got my stitching down to something that I found to be accessible. The choreography between my eyes, brain and fingers were able to finally get close to what Nigel was talking about / demonstrating in his video. Now it's the back stitch which is setting off my OCD'ness.
Then my last project which I finished up last night is a Composition Book Cover. This time I decided to try my hand at stitching 10 stitches per inch. A large amount of respect to you english guys that do this all the time, between nicking my thumb with awl and squinting to see my leather pricks, my hands and head hurt by the end of this one. Oh and after slicing my pinky fingers while stitching this project I also made myself a couple of leather finger condoms. This project is something that I'm, overall, happy with. I still need to work on my overall creation/cutting and measurements when getting the project from paper to leather, but I imagine that'll come with time and practice.
Lastly, I'd like to thank the community of this forum. You guys, and gals, have a wealth of information and have been an invaluable resource for helping me noodle through the challenges getting started with this craft.
Thank you all,