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About Rmplstlskn

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    New Member

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  • Location
    Charlottesville, VA
  • Interests
    Leather & nylon! Not just on a machine either...

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  1. I have been trying to figure out the differences between the Pro and the Elite... It looks to primarily be 2.8 to 3.7 foot pounds in torque, and a faster speed (not a concern of mine).... They both are about the same in price... Thanks for the 110v heads up on the positioner. I can easily run 220v to my machine positions, so I think I will do that and get the 220v motor. I plan on getting the 50mm pulley for it as well. Shame the optical sensor blade switch is still an issue, using a solid, opaque blade rather than a graduated translucent blade... Seems like such an easy change for the manufacturer. Rmpl
  2. Good review! I have the Enduro Pro on my Consew 206RB-2 for about 2 years now... I am wondering if they fixed the optical sensor speed control on these Enduro servo motors yet? I did the YouTube hack on mine (making a gradient blade to improve startup speed increase), which helped dramatically with the start being not so abrupt, so I would hope that surely by now, with so many having done this hack, that they would have improved this blade part or gave an option.... So do find on yours the start is abrupt, going from nothing to a faster speed withy only a small move of the pedal? As for power, I sew heavy nylon webbing, and I have kicked the Enduro Pro motor into overload a few times (where the motor stops and you have to reset pedal and start again, this time with some hand wheel help). But all in all, a world of difference between the old clutch motor. Makes my Consew 206RB-2 a dream to use.. I ask because I need a new servo motor for a Singer 241-3 I just picked up to do tape that has a clutch motor... I would really like to find a servo motor that I don't need to play around with gradient blades again.... Rmpl
  3. Looks good to me... Function is more important than looks though... Looks like a forward cant. Rmpl
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