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About AHinson

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  1. I've read the some people use Mop and Glo to finish their leather. Will the Mop and Shine from the Dollar Store work or does it need to be Mop and Glo? Thanks.
  2. I decided I wanted to try my hand at making an ARG style holster. Unfortunately I didn't have a big enough piece of leather to make it out of one piece. Instead I had to make it out of two pieces. I like how it turned out. The front rides a little above the top of my pants which helps with reholstering since the holster isn't reinforced. I just have to hold the top of the holster and the gun slides right in. I do wish I had made it with a shield between me and the top of the gun and I should have put the belt clip just a little further away from the gun.
  3. I had an idea for a pocket holster a while back. I made a crude version of it and I liked how it worked(not how it looked). Here's my revised, neater version. I'd have to say that I think this is my best holster yet. It's the only one that acually turned out good.
  4. I don't have a stitching groover. I haven't seen one in any local stores. I've tried using a dremel with the engraving tool to cut a groove, but its not the best. Now, I'm using the back side of a butter knife. It works okay on the smooth side of the leather but not so good on the rough side. Anyone have any suggestions on something else to use or how to make a stitching groover?
  5. Is there any chance you could find a local gun store that would let you use one to make a pattern with? If you explained the situation, they might would let you draw a pattern in the store. It might be worth a shot.
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