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Everything posted by jtron5

  1. Does anybody know of a source for solid black baby dot (line 20?) snaps that will remain black and nod tarnish or fade to copper or whatever the base metal is. Anodized? I've painted some with enamel spray paint, but think that there must be a better way. Any suggestion would be very appreciated.
  2. Nice strategy! Do you have a pic of how the color turns out?
  3. Yeah, saw an old ebay auction for some fiebings grey. Probably a reason it isn't made any longer.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I figured there to be some type of surface solution, but I need it to penetrate so it will hold up to wear. Hmmm.
  5. Anybody ever have luck creating a grey dye, or has anybody seen a manufactured grey dye /stain?
  6. Hey all, having serious issues with saddle lac. I know it is not the preferred finish for many, but I need a super high gloss here. I've been using the light multiple coat approach, but all of a sudden I'm seeing lots of grey spots (as in the picture). Any advice would be be awesome!
  7. That's some well reasoned insight, and I think you are correct. Thanks a bunch!
  8. Greetings all. I finally sprang for the tandy "royal meadow" (I think it was that...anyways the most expensive veg tan they have), it is a world different from the other grades I have been working with. Bravely I cut into it and made a laptop case, which is a decent chunk of leather. After completion I looked at it in better light and noticed that half of it is slightly darker due to the edge of the roll being partially exposed to some kind of light I presume. I've oiled with neatsfoot and the tonal difference is still noticeable. I now it will all even out over time, but I don't want to sell a piece that looks flawed. Any insight or advice would be so appreciated. I'm attaching a picture. ( the line runs horizontally across)
  9. Thanks everybody, a lot to mull over. I actually currently use cnc laser to cut/engrave (long story), but don't like the charring, and would like to adopt a more traditional means of production. I did however successfully cut/engrave some embossing stamps from acrylic today via laser. The weaver clicker is tempting... though I'm currently in a place where a grand is hard to part with. The shop press route is tempting but also seems cumbersome. And to Art, I'm in Portland Oregon, and for as much production and industry we thankfully have around here, there is a lack of accessible presses.
  10. Thanks for the reply! That is something I have thought about using a mallet, but was concerned about damaging a non reinforced die. I'm hoping to do a run of a couple hundred pieces. Further digging brought up that the press has 2,000 ft lbs at bottom of stroke. There's a video somewhere of it cutting leather, but I can't track it down.
  11. Greetings! This is my first post/question, been perusing for some time and have learned a lot from these forums. Here comes the question... Does anybody think this particular machine would work as a clicker press? The issue I could see arising is that the die I would be cutting (hopefully) is roughly 7"x 9", the cutting surface is sufficient size for this. I'm just wondering if I would get consistent & even pressure for a uniform cut. The leather would be about 5 oz. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!!! http://www.tecre.com/catalog.php?p=159
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