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About NightshadeRoseLeatherWorks

  • Rank
    New Member

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Mundane to insane
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. When I say major repair I am refering to a large chunck of the cutting surface is now missing. In particular I have a punch set that cuts out letters of the alphabet. The one section of the E is missing and in transet from one location to another, I have managed to misplace the I the T the X the U. Sorry for no being detailed enough in my origional post, but I felt that generalities might have been the best way to go to start.
  2. I have been assembleing my leather tools, arch punches, clicker die, mallet/hand punches of all types. I have been able to repair minor damage in the past myself, chips and cracks. But now I need some major repair and even some fabrications. Does anyone know any one capable of doing this. Preferabley some one in the Western Pennsylvaina Region?
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