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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm glad a knowledge base like this site exists. From what I've seen of leatherworking, making the investment on tools and materials is going to be the hardest part for me. But creating fuctional, long-lasting art? Worth it! I'm also from the west side and quite in love with all the greenery. It's worth all the soggy days, I think.
  2. Hi everyone! Here's my little introduction post. I'm Deanna, hailing from the beautiful mountains of Washington State. My artistic sense of adventure has gotten me into all sorts of "trouble." I have a BFA in animation, work in giftware product design (for the time being), make hemp knotted jewelry, paint ink wash landscapes, and moonlight as an indie game studio concept and creature artist. I'm quite excited to start learning leathercraft, which I came across in a search for new things to incorporate into natural material jewelry design. However, the first project I'd like to work on is a tooled guitar strap, since I'm going to start learning how to play a guitar in a couple of weeks... Because life's too short to stop learning. Finally, the craftsmanship that I've seen in this forum is quite amazing to me. I'm more than receptive to any advice you folks might offer this newbie.
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