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Posts posted by elf3

  1. I decided that this application will work for me. I put a thin coat on, then let it dry for about 12 hours (just wanted to be safe ;) ) between the next coat. I think I did 4 coats total on the signature. I am thinking I will wear them for a while, then when I notice any wearing that is interrupting the signature, I will just add one more thin coat. I will probably add an additional one if I plan on wearing them a lot for a prolonged period of time. I just want to thank EVERYONE who has helped me with so many thoughts and suggestions, I hope someone finds this on their search in the future and it helps them :)

    Final product:


  2. A little note on my fast and dirty tests. I did not allow the requisit number of hours for drying between coats. I used a damp sponge to apply the last two finishes (resolene and folk art). Two thin coats full strength not watered down except by what ever water was in the sponge. I only waited about a half hour to dry before doing a water drop test and then rubbing hard with first a paper towel then a piece of canvas. I used a piece of naked veg tan, a piece of soft red drum dyed chrome tan and a piece of surface dyed chrome tan with a distressed effect put on it commercially. All three finishes removed some of the distressed effect ( even plain water did) glad I know that about that piece of leather now.

    You put it on with a sponge, would you recommend a sponge over a spongy craft brush? I would assume I wouldn't want to spray it. I will plan to do 2 thin coats and I will follow the instructions on the bottle for drying time.

    What costs $25???

    SHIPPING! :)

  3. Wow! Thank you for doing the testing!! I haven't sealed the boot yet, so I'll give the Folk Art Varnish from Wal-Mart. I've been searching to try to find something that won't cost me $25, so I haven't bought anything yet. I will probably buy some, then draw a dot on the other boot and seal it to see what the results are. I will let everyone know how it goes when I do it. Thank you again for all of the suggestions!

  4. One and the same (floor wax), just make sure it is plain, no perfumes or such in it. Soldiers have been using it on their boots for years, and many leather workers use it to seal their projects because it is much more cost effective.

    So I have the boot masked and went to spray and I thought I would read this thread again. I looked at the bottle I bought and way down in the corner it says "fresh citrus scent" I'm assuming I shouldn't use it :( walmart didn't carry mop n glo here and the store I found this at only had the one bottle. It is blue. Guess I should just pay the extra to get the resolene.

  5. Awesome! I actually have an adjustable one at home. I have read about something like the preval, I could do some calling around to see if I can find something around where I live. I think I'll go the resolene way. If you do try it out with the spray bottle, let me know!

    Thank you so much for your help, I will hopefully order the resolene tonight ( was just going to go thru Tandy, they seemed the cheapest and they are in WI too so maybe they'll be cheaper shipping!) So maybe I can do it this weekend.

    If I apply it 50/50 and just do a thin coat, how many coats do you put on? I don't want it too thick or it will crack, right? Then I'll probably let it dry for a month haha I'm so afraid to ruin it!

    I could have had him sign something else that would be less work but what's the fun in a piece of paper? :)

  6. Thanks for your input guys! I know the resolene needs to be diluted, and I don't have access to a sprayer, so I guess I would lean more towards the Saddle-Lac because I'm not sure how I would apply the resolene without a sprayer. If the Saddle-Lac seems like a good option for me I think I will go for that. If it were to wear down, can it just be sprayed over again? I wish I knew SOMETHING about leather! The signature is on the inside of the boot, if I spray the inside, it won't get through to the outside, finished leather will it? I don't think I'm as worried about the coloring/finish as long as it just keeps the Sharpie there.

    Sorry these are dumb questions, and sorry if you have been asked them before!

  7. So I'll start off saying I know nothing about leather... I need help!

    I got the meet my FAVORITE country artist, Brantley Gilbert. He signed the inside of my cowboy boot! Now...I need to seal it because they are brand new and $120 bucks is a lot for a poor girl like me and I can't just set them on a shelf! The leather is died pink. It is in a spot that doesn't rub too much.

    I have tried to do some research online for sealing techniques and after reading many articles I have come to one conclusion. I'm lost. The signature is in Sharpie. The boots are Ariat if that matters. I need a finish that can withstand the heat, stretching, and bending a boot goes through.

    I've heard nail polish, leather sheen, acrylic resolene.... Anyone have some input? Any help is MUCH appreciated!! THANK YOU! :)


    (attached is a pic of the boot and Brantley, my friend and myself... I'm on the left!)



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