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  • Gender
  • Location
    Country Victoria, Australia

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None Yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Saddle Making

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  1. Hi all, I have the opportunity to purchase a Singer 591 for $275 (Australian) and am wondering whether these machines are suitable for leather working? IE: Bridles, etc.. Cheers!
  2. Thanks again Mike! Jasj, some good links there thank you! As it turns out my mother-in-law in California has a heap of LW tools from when her MIL used to teach leather working so she is sending them over and looking into some hide for me over there. Must be fate!
  3. G'day Mike, Yeah I don't expect to be able to make a saddle right off the bat, I'm not naive like that but that is ultimately my goal. I have been Googling solidly for the last few days at different tools etc, but it's simply so confusing! Have also had a look at the Tandy kits and agree it's probably there place to start. I'd love to hear stories of how others started out in the LW world! Cheers.
  4. Thanks Spooky, unfortunately I'm unable to take a trip to Tassie, and the saddle fitters are about 5 hours from me and the course looks pretty pricey. Thank you for the options though!
  5. G'day all, I'll make this brief. I am wanting to start out leather working, making my own tack, eventually getting onto saddles (english and western). Firstly I think I'd like to start perhaps making small items ie: pouches, jewellery etc to familiarise myself with it all. I live in a small country town in Victoria, Australia and we are VERY limited in the way of saddlers, so here I am, trying to "self teach" if you will! My biggest question is: Where on EARTH do I start? What do I buy? Where do I buy it from? What do I DO? Ok, so that's 4 questions, but you get the drift! Any advice on starting out would be GREATLY appreciated, thank you!
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