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    Leathercrafting, my kids, my husband, my church, and more leathercrafting. I'm obsessed.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, Bags, Cuffs, and Jewelry
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  1. The idea of consignment makes me really nervous, but I'm open to it :-)
  2. Replenishing stock, something I hadn't thought about :-)
  3. Just a little update on how the meeting went. It went very well. He really liked my stuff. However he's concerned about whether or not he can afford my wholesale cost, due to the markup. Handmade leather goods might not fit the pricing of his store. I think he's going to start with a small order and just see if it sells. He's going to let me know. It's pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. We'll see.
  4. I've noticed clear laq has a brownish tint, which can be really problematic for me. When I use it over certain paint colors it ruins it. The other day, I turned around and scraped it off the area (which was quite easy to do cuz it was all flaky and I thought that shouldn't be happening with Laquer). Sooooo....what do I need to do? Just dilute it? I haven't been diluting it. Maybe that's dumb IDK. Should I? Also, I get a lot of cracking with it. Maybe diluting it solves that too? Or should I just switch to Resolene? Man, I don't know what I would do without this website. Just sayin'
  5. That's awesome! The problem is, I just want to darken very thin lines. I don't think I can dye inside those lines/grooves without atiqueing. It's just too thin. Wait so I'm confused. (Sorry for being so slow LOL). You're saying the resist does or doesn't PREVENT the antique from grabbing in the grooves? Because if it doesn't that's a great thing. But you said it doesn't and then you said that's why you don't use it. Maybe you meant it doesn't grab well in the grooves once resist has been applied?
  6. So the resist doesn't prevent the Hi Lite/antique from grabbing in the grooves?
  7. This is the kind of effect I'm looking for. It's a dog collar I think but I didn't make it. I like how light it is in the middle, but I've never been able to maintain that much brightness throughout when I antique. The lines are really dark so I'm thinking a black or really dark brown antique paste was used?
  8. THis? http://springfieldleather.com/37729/Groover%2CStitching%2CFreehand/
  9. Hi all. Recently I've been using a gouger to cut/gouge out lines in my belts, but it's hard to control. Is there an alternative? I've tried a swivel knive but it just makes a cut. It doesn't actually gouge out any leather. The below picture is what I've been using. I would love to use something like a groover, but more freestyle. :-) http://springfieldleather.com/29162/Gouge%2CAdjustable%2CV/
  10. Today is the day! My meeting is in an hour and a half. I'll let ya'll know how it goes :-) I'm so excited!
  11. I'm trying to post a pic for you, but I don't see any link for an attachment :-( ????
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