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Everything posted by Dave

  1. SUCCESS............I eventually went to The Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal (old MIWL) and arranged for these articles and patterns..........now I'll probably find my old issues of MIWL that I have misplaced with the passing years and all the moving with the Military and marriage and all, but thanks to all that contacted me by e-mail and did all the searching......it was well worth mine and everyones efforts to me.........Thanks again............Dave..............
  2. I'm thinking that it was in the early to mid 80's, because I had them before I got married in 1988 for a few years............
  3. Make it with Leather had a couple of issues where the patterns and instructions for making a work bench like al and ann stohlman's was in it......also there was an issue with a portable workbench pattern and instructions......would appreciate any help in getting a copy of these patterns and instructions.........Thanks.......Dave
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