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Everything posted by ToddjColey

  1. If I got a recessed centre bar would that fix my issue, or do you think heel bar would be better. I would rather a centre bar buckle as it acts as a keeper too before the d ring.
  2. I dont really want to skive but i will if i dont find the right buckle. I didnt think about molding, thanks!
  3. Hello, I am making a collar and am having issues with the buckle. I am using a centre bar buckle and the leather is bulging out of the buckle. The centre bar is in line with the rest of the buckle, I have seen other buckles are offset which i think would help, I also think a longer buckle would help as it would relax the angle of the leather entering and exiting the buckle. I have attached two photos one of my collar, I have not fastened the loop yet and also one of a tanner goods collar, which I believe looks really good and want to achieve myself. Any help or info would be great. Thanks
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