Greetings folks,
Newbie here, and I must confess I'm not working in leather, not yet anyway. Current production is heavy upholstery fabric tote bags and the like, with boat covers this summer in the offing.
I have several industrial machines, mostly Pfaffs, several 138's, a 34, a 1245 and a 1445. I'm loving the walking feet on the last 2, and both have servo motors, single stitch control when needed . A cylinder bed machine would be wonderfull, particularly for pockets, trims around the bag mouth, strap installation, etc.
I love the quality of the Pfaff machines, I started out several years ago with some of the early domestic models, 229's, a 130, 1222, and the addiction has gradually grown.
I've found a Pfaff 335 H2 close to me in Philly at Keysew, I notice that Greg is a member of the forum, and a 345 H3 in Montreal at RaphaelSewing, again with associations here.
Priceing is similar and both machines look to be in good shape.
My understanding is that the 345 H3 is a heavier class of machine, and while not strictly necessary for the type of work I'm currently doing, would get me into medium weight leather with little trouble.
For the money, there are a bunch of chinese clone/alternatives, but I really appreciate the Pfaff quality, and with a bunch of them already on hand, I find myself committed to continue with them.
Lol, anybody got a 545 out there for sale?
From what I can gather the 335 H2 is suitable for up to 1/4" material thickness and thread size of tex 90? Whereas the 345 H3 is pushing 3/8" and tex 138 thread?
Any input on the relative capabilities of the machines would be much appreciated.
All the best,