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  1. I like how the metallic lace looks but have concerns regarding whether the finish will flake and whether it is hard to bevel. What experience have others had with the metallic lace?
  2. I am fairly new too. i have books by david morgan bruce grant and gail houghts book. i find bruce grant's book hard to follow.As far as decorative knots gayle hought's book is fairly easy to follow.
  3. A few months ago I started braiding some simple 4 strand kangaroo dog leashes.I found that i really like braiding and am wanting to increase my skill and improve my finished project. With my first projects I did not bevel the lace. I just bought a beveler from y knotlace. I have figured out how to run the lace through but am unsure whether i place the rough side down in the beveler and whether i bevel both sides. any help you can provide to this very novice braider is greatly appreciated.
  4. A few months ago I started braiding some simple 4 strand kangaroo dog leashes.I found that i really like braiding and am wanting to increase my skill and improve my finished project. With my first projects I did not bevel the lace. I just bought a beveler from y knotlace. I have figured out how to run the lace through but am unsure whether i place the rough side down in the beveler and whether i bevel both sides. any help you can provide to this very novice braider is greatly appreciated.
  5. What about the turks head cookbook ? Is anyone familiar with this resource?
  6. Thanks for the recommendations everyone.
  7. I have started braiding kangroo 4 strand dog leashes. I am happy with my braiding of a basic leash but want to step it up a notch. I have been trying to learn how to complete various turk's head knots from youtube videos or other things I can find on the internet. I can complete a basic boy scout knot but I am not having much luck with anything more complicated. The braiding book I purchased to learn how braid. Braiding Fine Leather by David Morgan, does not cover knots. Can anyone point me me to a good rescource to purchase? Thanks for any help you can give me.
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