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About workingmanleather

  • Birthday 08/02/1985

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  1. Do you still have the sewing machine?
  2. OK I bought the machine from an older gentleman that worked a lot in car upholstery. Thinking I could potentially use it for holsters. I had the machine serviced at industrial sew tec in cincy. He put a new motor on and went over the whole machine, said it was in very nice shape and hadn't been used much. Knowing nothing about a machine myself I wanted to consult a professional. Well when it came to sewing my holsters it would go through both pieces but would skip a stitch here and there. When using one piece of 9-10 oz. It sewed through flawlessly. It would be a great machine for either an upholster or someone doing light leather garments or wallets. I am looking to get what I have invested which is $600 I prefer pick up I live between Dayton and Cincinnati Ohio but am willing to ship if you pay freight I may move a little on my price but sew-tech said they would ask 1000 for the machine after they serviced it and put on the new motor anyway if interested please message me and I will answer any question I can I can also send pics via email or text thanks for looking
  3. Oh and I'm not trying to promote any company by any means I've just had good luck with Tandy myself others may feel different. Seeing that ur located in NH. There's actually a Tandy in Boston Google maps puts you about 1 hr from there be worth your time to check it out. I'd suggest bringing your savings account lol because you won't wanna stop buying stuff once ur there. OK hope this helps
  4. For your first holster it looks like you done pretty good. My suggestions would be get an edge groover for your stitch line that will help clean up your stitching. Also to clean up the edges of your leather get an edge beveler then a burnishing tool. Tandy carries these tools for relatively cheap. Your retention looks good nice tight line around your trigger guard and frame. That's a big cant for myself but to each there own. As far as the RIA with the tac light. Have you thought of trying your hand at a hybrid. I've had pretty good success out of kydex for a gun with a tac light. Actually done a full size SIG with a tach light using the hybrid style. And if its strictly for range purposes being a big gun you can make it with belt slots or even on the thigh/leg. Again kydex is also avalible through Tandy its about 7 dollars for a 12"x12" piece. There's some good in depth videos on you tube about forming and molding kydex. Anyway if you want to go the route of all leather most of the ones I've seen for mounted tac lights all have thumb breaks due to what you pointed out about retention. Although being that its for the range a thumb break wouldn't be an issue IMO. Hope this helps if you have any questions about the kydex or anything I'll help the best I can. Good luck with the next one.
  5. Could you post a pic of the holster being worn it looks great love the boning work
  6. I've been using the tool from Tandy that punches 6 holes at a time I have a single punch for corners is this the same thing you all are using? I simply lay out my lines then punch with the chisel accordingly.
  7. I'd like the ruger lcp and the XD9 sub compact emails workingmanleather@yahoo.com
  8. Not sure which one this is but its from cheaper than dirt looks like the cm9/40 but the pm9/40 are so similar looking
  9. I was thinking the weight may be an issue I use 8-9 oz and I don't glue the leather around the clip should I? Also i may sew it alittle wet I'll try to let it dry better before I sew it thanks for the help!!!
  10. I made a belt for a co worker recently basically just a blank from tandy and a buckle. After seeing yours I should give him his money back :-) but I only charged him for materials lol. I am curious though what weight and material do you use to line your belts?
  11. I have been making holsters for awhile and I am not happy with the way my clips look once I sew them on. I'll post pictures later of a holster this is a sheath same thing though but I feel like the leather behind it looks bulky and just plain ugly lol. I would really like some tips or pointers on how some of you sew on your clips. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I gave dad a call he said if he remembers right sometime in the 70s he said maybe 76ish thanks glad you liked it
  13. Well as promised snake skin inlay for my granpaws old hunting knife thanks for all the tips!!!
  14. Thanks for the posts I kinda had the idea but really didn't want to mess up some nice snake skin but I'm sure I can do it now hopefully post pics within a couple days thanks again Oh and neat checkbook cover and nice sheaths!!!
  15. Hi everyone, I've been amazed by the workmanship on this sight for holsters and especially inlays. My question is can someone give some detail on how to do it I recently acquired some snake skin from a coworker and I'm wanting to do a knife sheath for my dad for fathers day for my grandpas old hunting knife any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Gregg Azbill WorkingManLeather
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