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    Elmira, NY

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    JC Higgins saddle number 3948
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  1. Check with the Bona Allen Museum in Buford, GA. I got enough information from them on mine to identify it as a Bona Allen Saddle that was made between 1930 and 1940.
  2. This is an old saddle. No rivets are visible on this saddle so cannot identify that way. I believe it is an old Bona Allen saddle. Everything on it is original except the latigo which I added after buying it. The latigo keeper has 3 sets of numbers on it. the number 5, a set of numbers 1229 and then in larger numbers 3948. I know it is a 15" seat and a 6" gullet. It has old brass "D" rings and wooden stirrups. The stirrup straps are laced and not buckled.
  3. trikerd1952

    JC Higgins saddle

    JC Higgins saddle serial number 3948
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