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Turn n Burn

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    Calgary alberta

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  1. Aother craft aid tattoo
  2. Turn n Burn

    Skull Tattoo

    Playing with leather tattoos
  3. Try a resist super shine or Resolen. I am waiting on my kit to try this out too. if any one else has any tips i would love to hear them
  4. The cam clamp I got at lee valley. I have seen them through other wood working supply stores as well
  5. Sewing the vamp was tricky I started with two threads from the toes and sewed my way back hitting both sides as I went if that makes sence. I used glovers needles and a round awl wasn't to worried about the stitching doubled the spacing on the right one after the left took so long.
  6. Cut the upper to short thinking of adding somthing to close it off but I've worn shoes maybe three times since I've made them. I also made a discovery with the same above dollar store craft foam and hope this helps some one from slipping. Cut the sole patter in the foam and 3m spray glue to the out sole great snow traction and insulates
  7. There the same as a canoe style I just wet formed the upper to my foot. Used dollar store craft foam for a template it's good cause cheap and similar traits to leather
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. I was planing on changing the bolt what just what I had at the time. The Mocs I just lined with a soft leather I run hot and feet still sweat a bit in them. I will work on some pics and details
  9. Moved to an old farm house and needed some Mocs. Also the stitching pony I made to finish them out of old scrap hardwood flooring and a $6 cam clamp
  10. For mutiple curves I use masking tape on what I am covering and trim to fit pull off. Could transfer to cardboard or somthing for a mor durable template multiples will be made
  11. Should read before I post as above cover with elastic
  12. Not sure of the weight But is maybe twice the weight of the Tandy one I have
  13. Tandy mallet on the right dollar store is bigger and has convex faces. Thinking of flattening one
  14. Picked this up at dollarama ( no affiliation lol) figured for 3 bucks was worth a try
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