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About darrellmead

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Interests
    I want to sew leather belts together

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    Machines that will zigzag and can sew belts
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Thanks for the tips, I will experiment with white glue, blue tape and yellow glue. I like the idea of a demo machine. I am just not sure if the thread will add or detract from the look. Dwight, I do thank veterans every day. Darrell
  2. Hi, I am new to this forum. I wouldn’t consider what I do leatherwork but I need the help from you leatherwork professionals. My wife saw a rug made from old leather belts. I went to thrifts stores bought used belts and made one for her. I enjoyed the project, (except the trip to the emergency room, story for another post). I glued the belts to canvas using 3M 90 spray glue. The problem was you need to spray both surfaces and the belts would get glue on the sides, then my fingers and it became messy. I tried linoleum tile glue, long work time, only needed to apply to canvas. Won’t completely set and some used belts try to curl. Can anyone suggest a glue that can be spread with a trowel, that will set within 24 hours that only needs to be applied on one side? Preferable not too expensive. If not, can you suggest a sewing machine that can sew the belts laying side by side? Again not too expensive. I invision a zigzag stitch to catch the edge of both belts. Darrell
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