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  1. erniej

    Getting Started

    Thanks Brad.
  2. erniej

    Getting Started

    Thanks, Nancyrip, I'm sure I'll be getting some different books.
  3. erniej

    Getting Started

    Thanks, I ordered the book Leather Braiding by Grant today, so we'll see what happens. Joel
  4. erniej

    Getting Started

    Thanks BUCKSNORT, I know it's just going to be a slow learning experience, but I'm going to try. Joel
  5. erniej

    Getting Started

    Thanks TXAG, I'll look into some of these books. Some of the problem I run into on the forum or you tube is terminology, like I said I'm a beginner and I don't know what alot of the terms used mean. I know it takes time and I need to read and study and I will, but if I can get some good basic reference material that would sure help. Thanks again. Joel
  6. Hi, brand new here. I amazed by the workmanship i see here. When I see some of the things being made, I want to try my hand at it. Anyway, don't know the first thing about braiding and was wondering if I could get some recommendations on some books that would help me learn the basics, nothing to complicated. I've tried watching some of the you tube videos but I'd rather have a book in front of me to follow. I thank you for your help. Joel
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