Hi, first of all thank you for your reply (and apologies for not responding sooner, I decided to take a short trip and only just got back).
I'm going to tackle this this weekend coming but hoping to order materials for it in the next day or two. I had a few questions, if anyone had the time to respond to; I'd hugely appreciate it, being a total novice:
1.) I've read a lot on here about Acetone being bad and sometimes making re-dying patchy, but others seem to suggest it would be the best thing to remove this high sheen and white marking this leather has seem to picked up at some point in it's life. Would Oxalic Acid be any better or would this not be strong enough to remove the high shine coating?
2.) What could I re-dye the leather with after being stripped and do I need a finisher after dying? Any help hugely appreciated.