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About alana

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    New Member

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    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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  1. yay! another 'toban. i'll be getting photos up soon, i've been trying to finish up my one project for a while, but summer finally arrived and i'm frantically trying to get beach days in...lol
  2. i'm currently working on a messenger bag for a friend and decided to start doing things somewhat "right" and start using bristles for my sewing seeing as i took the time to make a batch of code. i'm definitely not about to spend extra time splitting mono at this point and saw some GUM brand "eez-thru" floss pullers. the lightbulb over my head lit up and i did an experiment (it's only messing around until you document it). all i had to do was split the loop and attach my linen - though i have braided mine the same way someone on the shoemaking forum i'm on does (way easier for me). they're rather short, but if you don't mind that, they're a pretty simple solution for someone who doesn't have time to be frustrated by trying to split mono.
  3. i've been lurking for a while, and decided to finally come out of the woodwork and say "Hi!" i've been doing various projects here and there for as long as i can remember, but have started doing larger stuff.
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