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About anglwing

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    gulf breeze, fl
  1. WOW! you guys ROCK! thanks so much for the info!!!
  2. thanks eglideride! the little bits are bevelers, veiners, etc.... wondering if this wasn't a childs set... hmmmmmm
  3. I have learned so much in the past couple of days reading y'alls forum! it is fabulous! but I am now stuck.. purchased at an estate sale a huge bin of leather tools, I have figured out all except this large group... only one handle is marked and it reads carvertools 26. I think they are made of plastic... are they worth selling or should I toss them? break up the lot? many bits look to me to be duplicates... on the upper right is a bunch of metal bits that something would screw into them. I REALLY, really appreciate any help! thanks!
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