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  1. Hey everyone! I'm Melissa, and I'm jumping into this with both feet. I've been wanting to get into leather work for a while, and the DH got me some decent tools to start out with for Xmas. I've added to them, and I'm starting to learn what tools to use, how to use them, etc. My intent for a few years has been to learn how to make leather dog collars for my group and friend's dogs. I have been working with the Old Blacksmith Shop in my area, which is part of the historical society, in the gift shop for a while, and they are eager to have me do leather work for them as well. (Apparently Ulysses Grant was a leather worker.) I am hoping to start out there making some small pouches (the can be rustic) for some of the tools the blacksmiths make, and will go from there. I'm fairly decent with hand sewing the pouches right now, but had to get some better tools so punching the holes for one piece doesn't take me all day. :-) I've taken some scrap pieces to try punching for setting rivets and conchos for the collars. So far, that seems to be my problem. I think that perhaps I haven't chosent the best rivets for what I'm doing in addition to not quite doing it right, as I end up bending them a fair bit. If any one has any suggestions for me, in particular what type of rivets you've used for a collar (not sure on thickness - I'll have to check once I get home) I'd appreciate them. I've watched videos and seen tutorials, and I know practice is going to help a lot as well. Anyway - I look forward to learning from everyone here.
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