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Everything posted by collegestudent101

  1. I am having trouble finding the materials I need to make the sandal from joyce leslie in the link below. I am in love with that type of shoe. I just have three questions, thanks in advance so much to people who answer! 1) Where would I get the material that makes that lift in between the sole and the leather top? 2) Does anyone know where I can get that type of tan rubber sole as well? I was looking at soling sheets but am not sure which one to buy (any suggestions?) 3) Any suggestions on what thin foam to get to put below the upper to make it more comfortable? THANK YOU SO MUCH! http://www.joyceleslie.com/05566955.html
  2. I am having trouble finding the materials I need to make the sandal attached. I just have three questions, thanks in advance so much to people who answer! 1) Where would I get the material that makes that lift in between the sole and the leather top? 2) Does anyone know where I can get that type of tan rubber sole as well? I was looking at soling sheets but am not sure which one to buy (any suggestions?) 3) Any suggestions on what thin foam to get to put below the upper to make it more comfortable? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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