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Everything posted by Brice

  1. Just wanted to say thanks guys for your help! I got my dye and resolene yesterday and it works great ! I thought just to see what would happen, I applied resolene over the stain and it still rubbed off. But thats ok, I am sticking with dyes.
  2. Thanks for your help!!! This helped a lot !!
  3. Hi, I am new to working with leather and am having a problem. I have seen a lot of talk about dyes but nothing about stains. I tooled a belt and then I used eco-flo saddle tan stain, then I finished with eco-flo super sheen. I let the stain dry before applying the sheen. Now comes the problem, when I wore the belt I ended up with stain on my pants. What the heck, I thought the sheen was supposed to prevent this problem. I used three coats of sheen. I have never tried using dyes so I am not sure if they work the same when applied. I like using the stain because of the way the cuts and depressions in the leather get dark. LIke I said I have never used dyes so I am not sure if they will do the same thing. So what am I doing wrong? Why is the stain getting on my pants? Thanks.
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