Hello everyone!
I'm new to this environment and would like to introduce myself (I tried looking for the specific board to introduce myself as a newbie but not sure if I overlooked it). Name's Chris [from California] and started this leather craft journey about close to 2 years ago. I've been in my cave honing in on the most efficient methods of constructing quality leather goods. I'm still in the fetal stages of blossoming the business. At the moment still developing templates and prototypes for more elaborate products (bifolds, messenger bags, holsters, etc.). So my inquiry is moreso based on the presentation/marketing aspects [i.e. What draws you in or away?]
ANYHOW... Would love to get a critique on what I have out so far before I officially launch my own .com webstore. My .com domain is (for now) directly attached to my blog template which has a link to my shop at top. But in a few months I will be migrating that domain name to an actual webstore for my "brand". Just wanted to know if there was anything I can improve upon in terms of the presentation.
My website at the moment is: www.mojobazaar.com
and my shop link is: www.mojobazaar.etsy.com
I infinitely appreciate the time! And if there is anything I should know about forum etiquette, please let me know if this was an inappropriate post.