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  • Location
    lake Charles Louisiana

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Very very new to the art but is Mostly interested in small leather goods
  • Interested in learning about
    Basically anything that is used in makeing Cases Wallets Holsters and the like

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  1. Was curious if this product is any good all I have ever used so far has been Eco flo water based dye Since that is really the only thing I can find In my town the angelus says it paint /dye not sure What's the difference is
  2. I'm really enjoying leatherwork I like the concept behind it I like being able to. Make my own Stuff And I have been at it for almost a year now but I feel like I'm going nowhere fast Does it just honestly take several years Before you can make anything Truly impressive like Something you would see in a High-grade store Is thats What it feels like anyways I have a learning disability Which makes my ability to retain Information learned form Demonstration. Just about impossible When I read up on how to do some thing in this art it Never seems to translate well onto the work Table. anyways Just Wanted to know how any of y'all come to be as good as you are Is it just simply trial and error
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