To answer multiple quotes of information.
First, thanks to all of you, very much so.
Thank you. Are there any other potential pitfalls in the way we measure leather versus everyone else in mils?
In your experience, what are the incorrect ways of doing it? Not necessarily the lesser of the correct ways, but the things to absolutely avoid.
Thanks for all of the information. There wasn't really any use wasting space quoting it all again.
That having been said, both of the Gents on YouTube use the chisels with Nigel Armitage using them as you suggest, as an Overstitch Wheel and with Ian Atkinson driving the chisel to drive all the way through, taking the place of a awl or punch and making the holes with the chisel.
Are both ways okay and just a matter of style and personal preference?
Thanks again to everyone and anyone else that wants to kick in more info, that's great, too.
Snaps and the tools to set them and hole punchers are going to be a must-have set of tools/skills/supplies as well.
For the Four Card Wallet that Ian Atkinson made?
What would you suppose the thickness/weight of that leather would be?
Besides simply "Kangaroo," what would that type of leather, finish and everything, be referred to?
Eventually I would like to get into dyeing and more complicated things like incorporating high-quality zippers like YKK Zippers, etc.