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Posts posted by WWSD

  1. I am just starting off along the road of leatherwork and I have no tools what so ever. I am impressed with the tutorials on the forum and I am now at the point of " OK, lets make a start".

    I want to learn the basics and how to use the tools. I want to have a go at a belt eventually, so I am looking into what tools I will need.

    Thanks for any help and info.

  2. Hi all

    My name is Andy and I'm from the UK. I have been looking for a hobby and quite like the idea of making belts and perhaps when I am competent enough, make my hobby pay.

    I have had a look on the forum and I am inspired by what I see. Keep it up.



    Oh yes, just in case your wondering "What Would Scooby Doo" :)

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